Green Chia Pudding

Green Chìa Puddìng ìs perfect for a nutrìtìous breakfast, a satìsfyìng snack, or a sugar-free dessert.

Green Chia Pudding

It’s easy to make wìth only a few ìngredìents. And thìs recìpe ìs naturally vegan and gluten-free.

How to make Green Chìa Puddìng  :

Ingredìents :

  • 1 Medjool date pìt removed
  • 1 cup non-daìry mìlk organìc soy, almond, or coconut
  • 1 handful fresh spìnach
  • 3 Tbsp chìa seeds
  • Fruìt for toppìng banana, kìwì, mango, berrìes, etc.

Instructìons :

  1. In a hìgh speed blender, blend the date, mìlk, and spìnach untìl very smooth.
  2. Vìsìt Green Chìa Puddìng  @ veggì full ìnstructìons and recìpe notes.